Designed and patented to comply with health and safety requirements set out by stringent regulatory bodies and fit for all medical practices.
Treatable Materials
Significant Cost Reductions
Long-term savings of infectious medical waste procedures of up to 60%
Sterile Waste Outputs
Reclassified into delisted waste superior to STAAT level iv microbial inactivation (6LOG10).
Volume Reduction
Reduced waste outputs of up to 75% of the original inputs.
Treatable Materials
• Paper-Based Materials
– Sanitary towels
– Napkins
– Packaging (cardboard boxes)
– Paper
• Plastic-Based Materials
– Disposable and reusable gloves
– Drips and defluxors
– Infusion sets
– Bags for transfusions, urine, ostomy and nutrition
– Catheters (vesical, venous, and arterial for drains etc.)
– Drains, cannulas and probes
– Pipe unions and probes
– Extra-body circulation circuits and dialysis filters
– Plastic speculums and brushes
– Generic disposable plastic material, film and other packaging.
• Textile- and Cotton-Based Materials
– Bandages, dressings and compresses
– Diaper material
– Cotton flock, cotton and cellulose materials
– Generic textile disposable material
– Special Materials such as Orthopaedic Plastering and Casts
• Sharps
– Mono and multi-use needles
– Cuvettes
– Infusion sets
– Cutting and sharp metallic objects, such as scalpels, bistouries, venflon, razors
– Plastic or glass vials
– Disposable suture tools
– Glasses and empty drug containers
Non-Treatable Materials
• Medical Materials
– Radioactive Materials
– Isotopes
– Anatomical Parts
• Non-Medical Materials
– Rocks, Bricks or large solid wooden, stone or plastic objects
– Compact metal mass weighting more than 100 gr.
– Sheets, blankets, pillowcases and large textile items
– Carcasses of large animals
– Gas containers and cylinders in general
– Absolute chemical or liquid products
– Flammable materials
– Explosive materials
– Unused/expired medicine/drugs
System Capacity
NW 5
Lightweight system is ideal for smaller healthcare facilities and capable of treating *15kg of infectious medical waste per hour.
• Compact Design for Smaller Operators
*Theoretical capacity, also depending on the percentage of the waste humidity and density and depending on system version.
NW 15
Middle-weight system made for medium size healthcare facilities increasing their infectious medical waste outputs by treating *30-40kg per hour.
• Hospitals Who Experience an Increasing Waste Output
*Theoretical capacity, also depending on the percentage of the waste humidity and density and depending on system version.
NW 50
Heavy-duty system fit for larger healthcare facilities with high-volume medical waste outputs capable of treating *60 – 80kg per hour.
• Suitable for Large-Scale Operators
*Theoretical capacity, also depending on the percentage of the waste humidity and density and depending on system version.